Discount for Lori’s Walleye Run 5k ends tomorrow (3/18)

Registration for the 30th Annual Lori’s Walleye Run 5k has to be post marked by tomorrow (3/18), to take advantage of the per-registration $5.00 discount, and be guaranteed a T-Shirt.
Late and day of registrations will NOT be guaranteed a T-shirt.
This is the first race on the Starved Rock Runners, Ltd. Race Circuit.
The run takes place at Hall High School, 800 West Erie, Spring Valley, IL 61362. The 3.1 mile course is accurately measured with splits every mile and is electronically timed. Race also features aid stations on course, traffic control, refreshments. Walkers are welcome.
Registration is $25.00 if postmarked by March 18th, $30.00 through and including race day. Make checks payable to: Spring Valley Walleye Club. Mail registration and payment to: Walleye Run, 407 W. Dakota St., Spring Valley, Il 61362
Packet pick-up available on Friday March 25th, between Noon -5:30PM at Creative Apparel (407 W. Dakota St, Spring Valley, Il). Race day registration/packet pick-up is available from 7:30AM until 8:30AM at Hall High School, 800 E. Erie St., Spring Valley,
Click below to download the registration form: