An act of Generosity to Members
In an unbelievable act of generosity, club member Tim Novak has offered, and has started distributing plaques (that he is making), to any and all Starved Rock Runner members that want one.
The plaques are made of molded in concrete, and Tim has them made in various colors.
When Tim presented the idea of what he wanted to do to the Board a month ago, the Board was in awe of his offer.
Tim did not want anything personally for making the plaques. He said if members wanted to make a donation, he wanted the money to go to the Starved Rock Runners.
With donation already being received, last night the SRR Board voted to apply all donations made, toward the purchase of a new finish line clock.
Our current clock is not working well in cold weather, so their had been discussion about purchasing a new clock. It was felt that by applying donations toward the clock, every time Tim finishes a race, he will run under the clock he helped raise funds for.
If you are interested in a plaque, just look Tim up at a race. He usually has 20-25 of them in the back of his truck.
If you would like to make a donation toward the purchase of a new finish line clock, just make your check out the the Starved Rock Runners and mail it to our PO Box 1092, LaSalle, Il. 61301.
Thanks Tim!!!!
(See at picture of a plaque and Tim on our Facebook page)