Pace Calculators
Marathon Pace Calculator
Simply enter in the time you wish to complete you marathon click compute. This will calculate your average pace needed in minutes/mile.
Minutes Per Mile Calculator
This calculates how fast you run. Enter in the total mileage as well as the time that it took you to complete the race. Click the compute button and your pace will appear in the Minutes/Mile area.
By the way …
5k = 3.1 m — 8k = 4.97m — 10k = 6.2m — 12k = 7.44m
15k = 9.3m — 20k = 12.4m — 25k = 15.5m — 30k = 18.6m
MPH Calculator
This calculates how fast you run. Enter in the total mileage as well as the time that it took you to complete the race. Click the compute button and your pace will appear in the Miles/Hour area.