Circuit Standing- How are they determined

Since there was a fair amount of interest was displayed on the topic of Circuit Points on a post on Facebook, I thought it may be of interest to all SRRL members to learn in more depth about Circuit Race points.
As the year progresses, especially when members run their 12 Circuit Race of the year, we seem to get a flood of emails, “I didn’t get my points”.
Below is an explanation as provided by our Circuit Director (Russ), who actually calculates and provides the Circuit Results to the SRRL Web Master to be posted.
Should you have questions, please send an email to, and someone will email you back with answers to your questions.
A set of ~21 races is approved by the Starved Rock Runners Board of Directors per season.
Each race is assigned a maximum point value based on the distance of the race (a 5K is 35 points, a 10k is 38 points, a 12K is 39 points, and a ½ Marathon is 45 points).
The 1st place finisher receives the maximum number of points, and each successive finisher earns one point less.
Volunteer points can be earned for the three races that are put on by the Starved Rock Runners (SRRL St. Bede bRUiNs 3 Mile Family Run, Canal Connection and Turkey Trot). Volunteer points are 1 point more than earned by the first place finisher of that race.
Each members point total is based on their 11 (8 for juniors (<20 yrs) and seniors (>64 yrs)) best races. From the (twelfth (20 to 64 yrs), eighth for others) race on, races earning higher point will replace the points earned from your lowest ranking race.
As this occurs, race totals that have been eliminated from your point total will have parenthesis around them, signifying that they have been removed from your total score.
Thus nobody gets credit for twelve (12) races or more (eight if young or old) in a season.